Easter Virtual Training With Robotics & Tech Africa: DAY 1

Home Graphics Easter Virtual Training With Robotics & Tech Africa: DAY 1

The Easter Training has started  today been 11th of April, 2022 with individuals  aspiring to explore more of of the 21st century skills, under the following:


The trainees were introduced to animation with pencil 2D and were taught that animation is an easy, intuitive tool  used to make 2D hand-drawn objects.Also, they learnt how to draw different objects , imported images and  animated them to perform some actions such as movement, with a sound background to make it look more  fun and interesting.


Here, Trainee were taught about the different softwares they can use to design their own games, and  its application in real life such as for entertainment, and educational purposes etc.Meanwhile, more emphasis was made on the use of  Kodu Game Lab and it was defined as  a 3D game development environment that is designed to teach kids the  basics of programming principles.Trainees were guided on the designing of the building of a football game whose image is as shown below.

It was an engaging and interesting training where Trainees learnt a lot having fun and different questions were asked and answers  were provided by our well trained instructors for better understanding.

If you are still looking for a place to learn while catching fun, Robotics & Tech Africa Easter virtual Training is still ongoing as we continue with our day  two of the training tomorrow.


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